Tesla Hackers Permanently Jailbreak Paywalled Features

5 min readSep 15, 2023

A team of German hackers say they have discovered an exploit that can permanently jailbreak Tesla vehicles to unlock paywalled features without paying. By targeting the AMD processor in Tesla’s Media Control Unit (MCU), the hackers believe this jailbreak cannot be patched out via software updates from Tesla.

This in-depth article will dive into how the Tesla jailbreak works, which features it can unlock, potential risks, and Tesla’s options to combat the hack if it spreads.

How Tesla’s Paywalled Features and Software Work

Tesla distinguishes itself from other automakers by taking a software-defined approach to vehicles. Features can be added via over-the-air (OTA) updates, and some are locked behind paywalls:

  • Drivers pay to unlock more range, acceleration, advanced autopilot capabilities
  • Transactions made through Tesla mobile app after delivery
  • Enabled by altering software limits on physically-present hardware
  • Provides revenue stream for Tesla beyond initial purchase

However, not all customers are happy with paying extra for hardware already installed in their cars. This dissatisfaction has fueled attempts to jailbreak vehicles.

Previous Tesla Jailbreak Efforts

The Tesla hacking community has previously developed exploits that were eventually neutralized:

  • Early efforts modified firmware in the infotainment system
  • Allowed unlocking of performance, autopilot, and cosmetic features
  • Tesla was able to patch firmware and close security holes
  • Made jailbreaks ineffective with next OTA update
  • Cat-and-mouse game ensued between hackers and Tesla

This new AMD processor jailbreak aims to end that back-and-forth by targeting unchangeable hardware.

Targeting the AMD Processor in MCU

The key to the reported undefeatable jailbreak is going after the Media Control Unit’s AMD processor:

  • MCU has an AMD Ryzen V1000 processor
  • Hacking team found flaws in AMD security
  • Can overwrite authorization keys in the secure processor
  • Tricks vehicle into thinking purchases were made
  • Tesla cannot alter AMD processor code via OTA update

Since the vulnerable component is made by AMD and not Tesla, it apparently cannot be patched remotely.

Features Reportedly Unlocked by Hack

The jailbreak can allegedly unlock an array of paid options without transactions:

  • Heated steering wheel: $300 unlock fee avoided
  • Premium connectivity: $10 monthly fee avoided
  • Acceleration boost: $2000 unlock fee avoided
  • Rear heated seats: Part of $300 unlock
  • Potential for Full Self Driving unlock (~$15,000 value)

The team claims MCU-level access gives ability to toggle many paywalled functions.

Physical Access Still Required

While powerful, the jailbreak still requires physical access to the Tesla:

  • Must open panels to access internal computer components
  • Soldered connections to internal buses reportedly needed
  • Beyond skill level of casual Tesla owner
  • Must be executed each time vehicle is serviced and reset

So this is not a remote hack, but could spread through word-of-mouth.

Risks and Downsides of Jailbreaking

Before jailbreaking, Tesla owners should consider some potential ramifications:

  • Voids manufacturer warranty; repairs no longer covered
  • Disable access to Tesla Supercharger network
  • Loss of ability to receive OTA software updates
  • Could lead to Tesla blacklisting or bricking vehicle
  • Features compromised may not function perfectly
  • Raises legal and ethical questions

While tempting, jailbreaking does carry significant risks Tesla owners must weigh.

How Tesla Could Address Jailbroken Cars

If this jailbreak becomes widespread, here are steps Tesla could take to maintain control:

  • Detect modified code signatures during service visits
  • Refuse maintenance on jailbroken cars
  • Require original MCU be reinstalled for service
  • Brick vehicles via OTA update (nuclear option)
  • Legal action against hack distributors
  • Negotiate solution with AMD
  • Offer concessions like one-time paid feature unlocks

Strong-arm tactics may damage Tesla’s brand image, so a gentle approach may be wise.

The Cat-and-Mouse Game Continues

This AMD processor exploit provides the most intriguing Tesla jailbreak yet. But Tesla has resources and leverage on its side. The coming months will indicate whether this jailbreak truly represents a breakthrough in the battle over who controls vehicle features after sale.

In the big picture, the tussle points to the larger debate around right-to-repair and ownership with increasingly software-driven vehicles. As with smartphones, automaker control versus user control is a complex issue with arguments on both sides.

The Takeaway

For now, this team’s reported unpatchable jailbreak method appears to be a rare victory for those seeking to maintain autonomy over vehicle features they paid for. However, there are risks involved for owners, and Tesla has options to discourage proliferation of the hack. Ongoing negotiation between Tesla and its savvy customer base will likely decide just how irrevocable this clever AMD processor jailbreak proves to be.

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