The Duke-BYU Volleyball Incident: A Call for Racial Sensitivity in Sports
In the realm of collegiate sports, the incident involving a Duke volleyball player and the Brigham Young University (BYU) team in October 2022 stands as a stark reminder of the racial insensitivity that still exists in our society. This incident, which was caught on video, sparked widespread outrage and led to a broader conversation about racism in sports.
During a match between the two universities, a Black player from Duke University was subjected to racial slurs, including the n-word, by members of the BYU team. The incident was not only deeply distressing for the Duke player but also sent shockwaves through the volleyball community and the public at large.
“Racism has no place in sports or anywhere else in society. It’s deeply troubling that such an incident could occur in this day and age.”
Initially, BYU denied the occurrence of the incident. However, as the video of the incident went viral, the university was forced to acknowledge the incident and subsequently issued an apology. The BYU players involved were suspended for one match.
The Duke player, still traumatized by the incident, expressed her concerns about the safety of other Black athletes who play at BYU. She felt targeted because of her race, a feeling no athlete or individual should ever have to experience.
“This incident is a stark reminder of the challenges that athletes of color often face. We need to do more to ensure that all athletes are treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their race or ethnicity.”
In the aftermath of the incident, it’s clear that more needs to be done to combat racism in sports. It’s crucial to hold those responsible accountable and to foster an environment of inclusivity and respect in sports. Athletes, coaches, fans, and institutions all have a role to play in creating this environment.
For those interested in learning more about racism in sports and what can be done to combat it, here are some resources:
- The National Coalition Against Censorship:
- The Southern Poverty Law Center:
- The Anti-Defamation League:
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