What is Liability Only Car Insurance?

7 min readAug 10, 2023


Navigating the world of auto insurance can be a daunting task. With various types of coverage and numerous factors influencing premiums, it’s essential to understand the basics to make informed decisions. This article will delve into the concept of liability-only car insurance, its importance, and how it fits into the broader auto insurance landscape.

What is Liability Only Car Insurance?

What is Liability Only Car Insurance?

Liability-only car insurance is a type of coverage that caters to third-party property damage and personal injuries in the event of an accident. It’s crucial to note that this insurance does not cover your injuries and personal property damage if you’re the driver responsible for the accident. It’s a basic form of insurance that provides coverage for liabilities to third parties. For more detailed information on what constitutes a liability in car insurance, you can visit this page.

The Importance of Liability Insurance

Liability insurance is a legal requirement in most states. It’s designed to ensure that if you’re at fault in an accident, you can cover the costs of damage and injuries you’ve caused to others. Without this coverage, you could face significant out-of-pocket expenses, legal penalties, and potential financial ruin if you’re involved in a serious accident.

Moreover, liability insurance is not just about protecting other road users. It’s also about protecting yourself from the financial implications of an accident. For instance, if you’re involved in an accident with a hybrid car, the repair costs could be significantly higher due to the complex technology involved. In such a case, having liability insurance can save you from bearing these high costs.

The Two Forms of Auto Liability Insurance Coverage

The Two Forms of Auto Liability Insurance Coverage

Auto liability insurance coverage is typically divided into two types: Bodily Injury Liability Protection and Property Damage Liability Protection. Most states require drivers to have both types of coverage.

Bodily Injury Liability Protection

Bodily Injury Liability Protection covers the costs of physical injuries to a third party resulting from an accident you caused. This protection also covers legal fees, pain and suffering, and lost wages. For more information on how this type of coverage works, you can visit this page.

Property Damage Liability Protection

Property Damage Liability Protection covers the cost of vehicle damage or replacement and other property damage, such as mailbox and fence post repair. This type of coverage is particularly important if you’re involved in an accident with a high-end vehicle or cause damage to property in a residential area.

Understanding Insurance Limits

The limits set for both insurance types are per accident. These limits represent the maximum amount your insurance company will pay. If the costs exceed these limits, you’ll be responsible for the additional out-of-pocket expenses. To avoid this scenario, you can purchase additional coverage. For example, if you’re considering buying a car with cash, you might want to invest in higher liability coverage to protect your investment.

Collision and Comprehensive Car Insurance Coverage

Collision and Comprehensive Car Insurance Coverage

If you are at fault in an accident or are not at fault but the third party does not have proper insurance, then two types of car insurance coverage can help you pay for vehicle damages: Collision coverage and Comprehensive coverage.

Collision Coverage

Collision coverage is coverage for the damage to your vehicle after it collides with another car or a stationary object, such as a fence, during an accident. Collision coverage is beneficial if you cause an accident or if an at-fault party does not carry the proper insurance to pay for your vehicle damage. For more information on how collision coverage works, you can visit this page.

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage helps pay for any damage your vehicle sustains from a scenario that is not an actual collision. For example, comprehensive coverage applies if a tree falls on your car during a storm or your car gets stolen. To learn more about comprehensive coverage, check out this article.

Additional Coverage Options

There are other options you can add to your car insurance to protect yourself and your vehicle. These include Gap Coverage, Rental Car Coverage, Emergency Roadside Assistance, Medical Payments Coverage, and Personal Injury Protection (PIP). Each of these options provides additional protection in specific scenarios, from covering the balance on your auto loan to paying for medical bills for anyone injured in a vehicle. For more information on these additional coverage options, you can visit this page.

Gap Coverage

Gap coverage considers the balance on your auto loan and vehicle value. If you owe more than your vehicle’s worth, gap coverage will pay off your auto loan. This can be particularly useful for new car owners as vehicle depreciation can often lead to a situation where the remaining loan amount is higher than the car’s current market value. For more details on how gap coverage can benefit you, check out this article.

Rental Car Coverage

If your vehicle requires repairs, rental car coverage will pay for the cost of a rental car until it’s fixed. This can be a lifesaver in situations where your car needs extensive repairs and you can’t be without a vehicle for daily commuting or other essential travel. Learn more about the benefits of rental car coverage here.

Emergency Roadside Assistance

If you experience a blown tire or another vehicle issue that requires you to pull over to the side of the road, this coverage will take care of the cost of towing or other roadside help. It provides peace of mind, especially for those who frequently travel or those who have older vehicles that might be more prone to breakdowns. You can read more about emergency roadside assistance here.

Medical Payments Coverage

This insurance helps pay for medical bills for anyone injured in a vehicle, including yourself and all passengers. One way to avoid having to use this coverage is to have proper car seats for each child. Over the past decade, car seats have reduced the number of car-accident-related fatalities by 43 percent. For more information on medical payments coverage, visit this page.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

This policy will also make sure your medical expenses are covered if you’ve been in an accident, regardless of your at-fault status and even if no other driver is involved. PIP coverage is required in 13 states and will help pay for medical expenses before your health insurance provides coverage. To learn more about PIP coverage, check out this article.

Choosing the Right Coverage

The cost of your insurance premium will increase as you add more coverage to your policy because the insurance company will have to pay out if you are in an accident or sustain damage in another way. If you want to keep premium costs low, you can choose to only carry the minimum amount of insurance, but you might then be responsible for costly medical and repair bills in the event of an accident. For more insights on how to choose the right coverage, you can visit this page.

Importance of Safety Features

Choosing a car with important safety features might also help lower your car insurance premiums, even if you carry more than the minimum amount of insurance protection. Features like anti-lock brakes, airbags, and advanced driver-assistance systems can not only protect you in the event of an accident but also lead to discounts on your insurance premiums. For more information on how safety features can affect your insurance rates, check out this article.

State Requirements

Your state likely requires liability coverage. Your insurance agent can inform you about the minimum requirements, and you can add additional coverage to help prevent high out-of-pocket expenses after an accident. For a detailed understanding of how state requirements can influence your insurance choices, you can read this article.

In conclusion, understanding the different types of car insurance coverage can help you make an informed decision about what is best for you. It’s important to balance the cost of premiums with the potential out-of-pocket costs you could face in the event of an accident. Always remember to drive safely, maintain your vehicle properly, and stay informed about your insurance options.


What is liability only car insurance?

Liability only car insurance is a policy that covers third-party personal injuries and property damage in the event of an accident. It doesn’t cover your own injuries or property damage if you’re at fault.

What does bodily injury liability protection cover?

Bodily injury liability protection covers third-party physical injuries resulting from an accident. It also covers legal fees, pain and suffering, and lost wages associated with these injuries.

What does property damage liability protection cover?

Property damage liability protection covers the cost of vehicle damage or replacement and other property damage, such as mailbox and fence post repair, caused by an accident.

What additional coverage options can I add to my car insurance?

Additional coverage options for your car insurance can include collision coverage, comprehensive coverage, gap coverage, rental car coverage, emergency roadside assistance, medical payments coverage, and personal injury protection.

How can the safety features of a vehicle affect insurance premiums?

Safety features of a vehicle, such as anti-lock brakes, airbags, and advanced driver-assistance systems, can lower your car insurance premiums. These features can lead to discounts on your insurance premiums as they reduce the risk of accidents.

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